Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association

Clinton Fish & Game Protective Association

Indoor Range Rules

  1. Range Hours: 10 AM to 10 PM EVERYDAY, except during club rentals/events.
  2. All NRA rules and regulations apply. Ear and Eye protection are MANDATORY.
  3. A club member who holds a license appropriate for the firearm being used must directly supervise unlicensed shooters or underage shooters.
  4. Consuming alcohol or controlled substances before range use or possession of alcohol in any area of the range is prohibited.  We have a zero tolerance policy: 1st time violators will lose range access indefinitely and possible loss of C.F.G membership.
  5. No rifle other than .22 caliber rim fire rifles are allowed.
  6. No pistol larger than .45 caliber
  7. No shooting of SHOTGUNS or SHOTGUN SHELLS at any time.
  8. No FULL Metal JACKETED magnum ammunition allowed at anytime.
  9. FULL Metal JACKETED NON-MAGNUM is allowed.
  10. No hollow point ammunition allowed at anytime.
  11. Only paper targets allowed. No shooting at objects other than paper targets, including bowling pins, wooden 4x4’s, cans, bottles, exploding targets or objects placed on range floor.
  12. Targets must be PLACED fully downrange against backstop before being fired upon.
  13. You are allowed to move down range if you are alone or if everyone present is in agreement and moves down range with you.
  14.  Always keep your firearm pointed in safe direction with safety on and finger off trigger until the pistol/rifle is pointed down range AND READY TO SHOOT.
  15. All firearms in range area will have bolts, slides or actions open and magazines out when not in use.
  16. No quick-draw or cowboy type shooting.
  17. No lending or sharing of the range lock combination number or security access device.
  18. Member and guest must sign the Logbook. Must be legibleNo more than 2 guests are allowed on the firing line at one time.Members are responsible for their guests. Guest fees must be paid at time of usage.
  19. You must PAY for all targets used. 
  20. No smoking, food or drink allowed in the range.
  21. When leaving: Sweep floor, pick up all brass, shut off lights, exhaust fans and lock door.

Clinton Fish & Game Protective Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located at:  185 Lancaster Road, Berlin, MA  01503

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